Community Support
The following entities have received financial support from HCSC in 2024. This support was based on their continuing community activities:
The Oroville Initiative
Molson Grange Sidley Lake Aerator Project
American Legion Post 84
Molson Library
Oroville High School Greenhouse Project
Healing Hearts Donkey Shelter and Rescue
Oroville High School Booster Club
NO Paws Left Behind Dog Rescue
Oroville High School Future Farmers of America
Masonic Lodge #201
Small Business Support

Pablos Tacos: L-R: Laura Robinson, Owner Kevin Cruz, Kevin Myrick, Anne Alden - 2024

Hornets Nest L-R: Laura Robinson and Anne Alden with the Hornets Nest Crew - 2024
Sidely Lake Aerator Rebuild

L-R: Laura Robinson, Treasurer HCSC, Anne Alden, Secretary HCSC, Kevin Myrick, HCSC Board Member and Volunteer
Fall 2023 - Molson, WA
Kevin Myrick of Molson continues his family’s decades-long tradition of volunteerism in the maintenance and operation of the local highland lakes aerators, which operate in Sidley and Molson Lakes. The Sidley Lake aerator was about 50 years old and desperately needed a replacement. It was having serious issues over the last few years threatening the lake’s wildlife with a lack of needed oxygen. Myrick took an aerator originally used in Ell Lake to a specialty repair shop in Spokane for a complete rebuild this past August. Long dependent on small donations for repair, maintenance, and power, HCSC is very pleased to support these efforts by funding the entire rebuild. Myrick’s time and effort is still all voluntary.
The rebuilt aerator has already improved the air flow in the lake which means a healthier and more abundant wildlife environment. As the “Aerator's Caretaker”, Myrick is the one who crawls out on the ice in the middle of the night after a power outage to reset the equipment when the lakes are at risk of freezing over quickly. He also runs them in the summer when the lakes need cooling down. Years of on-the-job experience on the lakes, and with knowledge passed down by other caretakers, he knows when to turn on, turn off, and adjust the aerators for optimum air flow. It is his efforts we must thank for such a beautiful and healthy lake system.
Next time you visit the Molson area, and if you see Kevin, give him a thanks for all of his hard work and dedication.
OHS Greenhouse
Fall 2023 - Oroville, WA
Law Enforcement Support
Summer 2023 - Oroville, WA
HCSC contributed $200 to the local Oroville Police Department for the National Night Out Celebration of Law Enforcement in our communities.
Oroville Senior Center
Summer 2023 - Oroville, WA
HCSC provided $1000 in funds to the Oroville Senior Center to assist in their recent remodeling efforts to make the Center a safer place for our seniors. Funds went towards remodeling the bathrooms.
Youth Support
Summer 2023 - Oroville, WA
HCSC purchased recognition plaques for the Oroville FFA Trap Shooting Team. HCSC wanted to encourage the kids by recognizing their efforts.
Environmental Support
Sidley and Molson Lake Aerators
Summer 2023 - Molson, Okanogan County:
Due to its successful completion of the LCF Grant (see below), HCSC has been able to commit to funding the rebuilding of the Sidley Lake and Molson Lake Aerators. As any local knows, these aerators are crucial in the effort to maintaining and keeping our lakes healthy. Healthy lakes mean healthy wildlife. Healthy lakes include healthy fish.
Tourism plays a significant part in keeping the local services and exhibits open. Sidley and Molson Lakes provide a healthy environment for all.
Images taken by Kevin Myrick

Sidley Lake aerators keeping the lake oxygenated in the winter

Gorgeous spring day with the aerators keeping the lake fresh

They allow areas of open water for overwintering waterfowl

Bird's eye view of aerators pathway
Latino-Owned Small Business Grants
Spring 2023 - Okanogan County:
HCSC contracted with the Seattle Chapter of the Washington State nonprofit Latino Community Fund to enroll and provide training to Eastern Washington Latino-owned businesses.
LCF interviewed, evaluated, and assigned which businesses received support from HCSC. Once assigned, HCSC provided 20 hours of business, marketing, and financial training to each selected small business.
HCSC training included classes held at WorkSource Okanogan 's training room, the Oroville Library Civic Room, and the Pateros/Brewster Community Resource Center.
Support included one-on-one training for more specific needs. Marketing support included building websites, Social Media packages, business cards, business signs and banners. Other HR and Financial Team training was provided based on individual needs.
All businesses that completed their assigned training were granted funding to assist with their new operational goals and recommendations.
Based on the recent completion of this grant and the funding provided, Okanogan County will realize the benefits of hundreds of thousands of dollars into its economy.